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A search for 'The Ribbon' gave the following results:

6 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
79 matches in tracks
  1. Ribbon (03:02)
    from Man Who Knew Infinity, The
  2. The Red Ribbon (04:18)
    from Fino A Farti Male
  3. "Put 'Em In A Box Tie 'Em With A Ribbon" (01:22)
    from Battle Cry
  4. A Red Ribbon (03:20)
    from Dernier Loup, Le
  5. Ribbon Scissor (00:20)
    from Blue Velvet
  6. Red Ribbon Waltz (03:27)
    from Koko Flanel
  7. Mei Mei's Ribbon Dance (02:05)
    from Kung Fu Panda 3
  8. Red Ribbon Showdown (00:43)
    from Butter
  9. Red Ribbon Slowdown (00:40)
    from Butter
  10. A Scrap of Ribbon (06:30)
    from 1917
  11. Nexus Energy Ribbon (01:38)
    from Star Trek: Generations
  12. The Red Ribbon (Space Version) (02:04)
    from Fino A Farti Male
  13. It Has a Ribbon / Lady to Bed / A Few Mornings Later (00:00)
    from Lady And The Tramp
  14. It Has A Ribbon/Lady To Bed/A Few Mornings Later (03:54)
    from Lady And The Tramp
  15. She Wore A Yellow Ribbon (02:58)
    from She Wore A Yellow Ribbon
  16. Distress Call * / Harriman and the Ribbon * (04:27)
    from Star Trek: Generations
  17. She Wore A Yellow Ribbon - Suite (00:00)
    from 100 Greatest Western Themes
  18. Reluctant Passenger / Blue Ribbon (02:08)
    from Non-Stop
  19. Reluctant Passenger / Blue Ribbon (02:08)
    from Non-Stop
  20. It Has a Ribbon / Lady to Bed / A Few Mornings Later (03:54)
    from Lady And The Tramp
    Oliver Wallace
Show all 79 matching tracks